
Lust corrupts your mind.

It does make you blind.

It melts your flesh like acid.

It makes your goodness turn rancid.

It'll make you walk on paths that are bad.

It will ruin your reason and make you mad.

After you lose your entire sanity.

It'll make you forget your humanity.

It'll make your heart burn with fire.

It'll pull you down and not lift you higher.

Lust entices like a bride in the gown

but you take a step towards it and you'll drown.

After you having in the life of lust ventured

you loose your empathy you become self centred.

It will make you worse than an animal.

You'll reduce other's dignity to minimal.

Once this sinful lust makes you lie

your ethics,morals and virtues will die.

- Christopher Britto


  1. Very true ! But prayer can overcome any thing that is not holy.

  2. This is the strongest weapon of Satan . to over come this l have to keep Jesus face always in mind n his sacrifice .

  3. Lust!! You've put it so well in poetry. Lust is a demon within us and if we turn to Jesus seeking Mary Magdelene...we will be forgiven and honoured.

  4. Mind is best weapon and savior,both


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