My first love

I knew her not before my breath began

nor had I heard of her who bore the lamb.

When I was brought where flesh in bread is kept,

my spirit felt the presence of the queen.

Then water, on my head, was gently poured.

Thus, I became a holy child of God

At that hour, I became her child as well

but then, I grew in stature and grave filth.

My soul seemed doomed and absolutely wrecked.

I remembered that Jesus Christ she found.

I knew for sure that she will search my soul.

I went to her; my hope, strength and mother.

Within her mantle, I was safe from harm.

I drew closer to her and knew her more.

I found the joy I never had at all.

All of my days were filled by her sweet grace.

She was the first one to have made me love.

Had I not come to her, I would have died

but oh, her gentle love my soul did taste.

The first person I ever loved was her.

My heart she did embrace and captivate.

My soul was filled with grace like her own being.

The mother of the Lord had been my help

and I, from all my evil deeds, was free.

The person I first loved had borne the Christ.

She crushed the pride of the ancient serpent,

and yet she is not God to be worshiped.

She, in her humility, knew that fact.

My soul, she did embrace and gently kiss

and my first love led me to her good Son.


  1. Mathe Maria 🎼aalo aami, dhari thuja, nirmal karge majala vasuni 🎼antari maja 🎼🎼

  2. I pray for u may the good lord fill u with double portion of his holy spirit . He may use u in his kingdom . to save his people .


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