Never condemn the youth

The group of people we call amateur
are indeed a gift to us from nature.
They are in a very delicate stage
but quite enthusiastic is their age.

A lot many youth daily get misjudged.
The cause of this is that they are prejudged.
Some of the youth also get discouraged.
They doubt themselves. Their intellect gets damaged.

This youthfulness does not forever last.
The adults today were youth in the past.
When we teach them to respect the ones older,
It is fitting that we also respect the ones younger.

We show our love to the saint and the sage.
Let us also show our love to the youth of our age.
If you think that youths are meant to be taught only by the rod,
You are tearing and crushing the holy heart of God.

Showing love and respect to all our youth
is to pay the youthful God our tribute.

- Christopher Britto


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