
Behold the sky and all the stars in it

and think about it's greatness while you sit.

Now stand and take a look at what's at hand.

You'll find a great streched portion of the land.

As you gaze at it know that it is dust.

One day you will return to it. You must.

Look at the plants so beautiful and green.

Nature indeed is worthy to be seen.

The light blue sky is well adorned with birds.

It's hard to praise the earth with mere words.

Now gently move your eyes o're to the stream

but don't forget that all this is a dream.

The birds the plants and creatures of the earth

will pass away as though they had no worth.

Nothing that's seen will last eternally

including all the sorrows and the glee.

The only entity that stays for all eternity

is the holy, one, pure God - The Holy Trinity.

- Christopher Britto


  1. God has blest you with a flair for words and sincere expression of the heart and mind!👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

  2. Good Praise for God's creation,keep up the Good Work 👌👌👌👍👍👍


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