
Showing posts from August, 2020

To be ...

'' To be or not to be''  - William Shakespeare, Hamlet. Is the question that bothers me. I prefer not to be. Hope some shows sympathy. I thirst for acceptance constantly. I desire love continually. No one can I see who will be my companion in sorrow or glee. Oh God I pray to thee from this wretched life set me free. Every single day on earth seems to be eternity. Do this just for me since I am your devotee. I beg you to hear my plea. My future I foresee. It is dark and dreary. From existence I want to flee. May this day be the end of me.

I don't know God

 I do not know the God who reigns in heaven. I don't know the God whom nations fear. I don't know the God whom you call King. I only know the God who dwells in our heart, who is near to those who call on him and who makes haste to help. GOD is a parent to the orphan. He's a child to the childless. God's a friend to the needy. To a widow, he is a spouse. To the homeless, he's a house. God is someone from whom nothing you can hide. He's your husband. You're his bride.


 Hello dear Education. I would like to have a conversation. I would like to know you even though I abhor you. Some say you're important and you are an accomplishment. I will make you understand why I wish that you were banned. Some students come to college for you but some how end up ragging a few. Any failure in study  is considered a tragedy. You are homicidal. You make failures feel suicidal. You divide the nation on the basis of qualification. Have you made this world a better place ? Why does discrimination still exist on the basis of race? It is such a pity that yours is a limited availability. You only serve the rich. The poor you always ditch.

God loves you always

 My soul groans. My spirit is in pain. For a long while in sin I did remain. I didn't care about my Creator. I listened only to the tempter. From the cup of sin I had tasted. All my virtues I had wasted. I listened not to him who reigns above. I paid no heed to the voice of my love. My life ahead seemed miserable. The sins I committed were terrible. I didn't bother about the salvation of my soul. Sin was to my being what to an eye is a mole. All my goodness I did drain. I allowed the evil one to reign. My soul was in utter pain. I had gone totally Insane. Even though I was condemned by the accuser I was loved and accept by God our Father.  - Christopher Britto

Smile 😊

A small expression on the the face. It is like a loving embrace. It's a result of happiness. It fills us with liveliness. It causes so much joy. It's a tool you must employ. You can use it everyday. There's nothing you have to say . Like the fish in the sea. Like a youthful bee. Like a flying bird. It's right what you heard. Like all of these let us be joyful. With it ,life is beautiful. You can easily give happiness to your neighbour and you do not need to labour. You can change the mind that's hostile with a lovely and sweet smile.  - Christopher Britto

Stop rape

He abused her and resorted to violence. This was followed by a great silence. Inorder to avoid the fight, she unwillingly had to keep quiet. Shrap entered and quoted a thousand. Dalal said, ''I am her husband Increase the price and that will be nice" Shrap said, " 2500 and not one more rupee" Dalal insisted, " make it three. This decision of mine is final. The price is just minimal. " Dalal had then departed. Shrap said," Let's get started. " She said, " But this is a sin." Shrap yelled," I don't care, let's begin." She then was brutally raped and against her wish all is it was taped. - Christopher Britto

Internet : The supreme deity

What do you get on the internet? Why is it so important? Well, it is an amazement. It has become a part of our life. We love it with all our heart like a wife. All that we want is net connection. It has become an addiction.  It's at the core of our being. For it we'll do anything. It has become our lifeline. It is to us what to an alcoholic is wine. It has become our God. We have made it our Lord. In our mind internet is engraved and we have all been enslaved.  - Christopher Britto